Sunday, July 21, 2024

Jenny's Power




Despite getting back into art, even with an ostensible interest in learning to draw beautiful fantasy women, I have actually had less than zero desire to draw anything pornographic in quite a long time. However, I guess I had a relapse last week, as one random sketch turned into a little series of sketches featuring the same character having magical fun with a helpless boy! As often happens with my art, especially these days, I didn't plan anything out ahead of time, I just started laying down lines until eventually an image took shape, and the idea tickled me enough to keep going until I got it out of my system.

I don't have further plans for this "Jenny" character, but she'd have fit right in with the likes of Magic Lina or one of the more wicked Omny's Empowered or Created. I was going to have her be a Sex Archmage with a size-changing specialty, then decided to make her a witch specializing in polymorphing, who fused with a Dominali instead, because you know me, I love building on my lore and remixing concepts so as to repeat the exact same Sex Mage ideas from nominally different angles. :V