Due to Blogspot's cripplingly low video hosting limits, I had to once again render this in a lower quality. However, I was able to at least get a better-than-worst quality video by splitting it into two parts. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I really just don't have a legitimate way to host these videos anywhere else.
I had pretty much given up on making any more videos like this, mainly due to frustrations with the programs involved and my much-reduced interest in making erotic content. I won't repeat my litany of complaints, but suffice to say, my extremely limited resources are as clunky and heavily compromising as ever. So, its a roughly stitched together video, and I'm not fully satisfied with the result, but it's what I could manage with what I had. Frustrations aside, I still had some fun putting it together. At least I was finally able to use Honey Select 2 for this one, which had some part in me going through with it.
As for the video itself, Shadow Mask was initially going to be a Roleplay Avatar for one of the Omnymphotents, and this was going to be a video of her roleplaying with one of her Playthings. But she could also just be her own character that lives in one of my Erotic Adventure Worlds, like Paramour Powers or the Centurions Universe. Headcanon it however you like. Her main power gimmick is that her eponymous shadow mask grants her the power to walk through walls in her shadow-ghost form (hence why it sticks to her face, while all her other clothes fall off). Rather than try to find a workaround, she has fun using her nudity to her advantage, as it's a good lead-in for using her other magic powers for erotic escapades!
For those who wish to read the script, click Read More below.