Due to Blogspot's cripplingly low video hosting limits, I had to once again render this in a lower quality. However, I was able to at least get a better-than-worst quality video by splitting it into two parts. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I really just don't have a legitimate way to host these videos anywhere else.
I had pretty much given up on making any more videos like this, mainly due to frustrations with the programs involved and my much-reduced interest in making erotic content. I won't repeat my litany of complaints, but suffice to say, my extremely limited resources are as clunky and heavily compromising as ever. So, its a roughly stitched together video, and I'm not fully satisfied with the result, but it's what I could manage with what I had. Frustrations aside, I still had some fun putting it together. At least I was finally able to use Honey Select 2 for this one, which had some part in me going through with it.
As for the video itself, Shadow Mask was initially going to be a Roleplay Avatar for one of the Omnymphotents, and this was going to be a video of her roleplaying with one of her Playthings. But she could also just be her own character that lives in one of my Erotic Adventure Worlds, like Paramour Powers or the Centurions Universe. Headcanon it however you like. Her main power gimmick is that her eponymous shadow mask grants her the power to walk through walls in her shadow-ghost form (hence why it sticks to her face, while all her other clothes fall off). Rather than try to find a workaround, she has fun using her nudity to her advantage, as it's a good lead-in for using her other magic powers for erotic escapades!
For those who wish to read the script, click Read More below.
[Scene of a darkened apartment. Shadow Mask walks in via a shadow portal. Once inside, she shifts to normal form. She sneaks in quietly, but Red is already up, and happens into the room.]
Red: Hey, what--? Hey!
Shadow Mask: Oops! Well, this is embarrassing! I’d’ve thought you were asleep!
Red: I had to pee. Now who are you? And…
Red [notices she’s naked]: And why are you naked?!
Shadow Mask: [grins] Aw, don’t tell me you don’t recognize me!
Red [shifting]: Uh… no, not really…
Shadow Mask: [laughs] Oh, good! Then I’m still good at my job!
Shadow Mask: [shrugs] I might have kept my image off the net, but surely you’ve heard of me? [shifts back to shadow form strikes a pose]
Red: [eyebrows rise] Oh. Crap! Y-your that Shadow Mask lady!
Shadow Mask: [reverts to normal] Indeed! I’m a thief for hire! And I have it on good authority you have a valuable artifact in your safe! I’m here for it!
Red: [reaches behind wall, pulls out gun]
Red: Yeah, I don’t think so.
Shadow Mask: [laughs] Wow, I gotta hand it to ya! Most normal guys would be too chicken-shit to confront an actual supervillainess! I mean, sure, I’m just a thief, but I can hold my own against other supers. You really think you and your little pea-shooter are a threat to me?
Red: Well I know you’re not all bulletproof.
Shadow Mask: And who says I have to be?
Red: Uh...
Shadow Mask: You're either real brave, real stupid... [looks down, grinning] or, maybe you just really like what you see!
Red: [shifts more, but keeps the gun trained on her] N-nevermind that! Just get out of here!
Shadow Mask: [appraises him] Hmmm. You are kinda cute! Tell you what! I'm not leaving without my prize one way or another, but I don’t mind mixing business and pleasure! So, I’ll give you two choices!
Shadow Mask: [raises her arms in an “I dare you” gesture] You can either try to shoot me, and I put you through a wall faster than you can blink, then steal every cent from every account and secret stash you have.
Shadow Mask: [leans over coyly and points at his crotch] Or, I take my time on this job, and give your other pee-shooter a thorough polish while I just clean out your safe!
Red [nervously hesitates with his gun]: Uh…
Shadow Mask: [leans back, hands clasped behind her, smiling cutely] Come on, it's not that tough a choice, is it? Playtime with a smoking hot super, in exchange for a silly trinket and a few measly stacks of cash? Or an extended hospital visit with no way to pay the bill when you're done?
Red: [looks pensive, but ultimately gives up, putting the gun down]
Shadow Mask: [laughs] Yeah, I figured you'd prefer my idea! Put the gun on the counter, and strip!
Red: [swallows hard] Just… just take the damn thing and go, alright? I’ll wait and call the cops until after you leave.
Shadow Mask: [pouts] Aw, you don’t want to play with me at all?
Red: [swallows] I, uh, really shouldn’t!
Shadow Mask: [steps closer] Why not?
Red: Well, you’re a supervillain! Just take what you want and stay away from me!
Shadow Mask: [smirks] You act all scared, but I know for a fact that moment I’m gone, you’re going to pull up your security camera footage and beat your meat to me!
Red: D-don’t flatter yourself!
Shadow Mask: [zaps his shorts off]
Red: Gah!
Shadow Mask: Ha! I knew it! You’re hard as fuck!
Red: W-well you’re naked!
Shadow Mask: Haha, yeah! Little side-effect of my powers, I lose my clothes when I go ghost mode! Oh, well!
Shadow Mask: [zaps his dick]
Red: Ah! AH!
Shadow Mask: I’ll take your little boner as a compliment so I won’t punish you too harshly! Just give you a little taste of Male Hell!
Red: Wh-what do you mean?
Shadow Mask: My magic lets me do all sorts of fun things! Like cast little curses on guys who think they’re too good to play around with me! Feel free to beat your meat to my image all you like, but you’re going to be disappointed in the result!
Red: [winces] Wh-what do you mean? Wh-what did you do?!
Shadow Mask: [grins] Oh, just a fun little cocktail of conditions! Increased bloodflow to keep your dick rock hard! Increased sensitivity so you’ll try to spurt from just a little stimulation! Increased sperm production to make your blue balls ache like crazy! And my favorite part, you now can’t cum no matter how much you jerk it or have sex!
Red: What?! Y-you’re crazy!
Shadow Mask: [zaps several pleasure pulses on his dick] Crazy as a cat!
Red: [gasps and staggers] Ah! Ah! AH!!! [sags on the counter as he fails to cum] H-holy shit!
Shadow Mask: Bet your wishing you’d taken up my offer now, huh?
Red: P-please don’t leave me like this!
Shadow Mask: [laughs] Too late! You rejected me and I’m bitter! So now, your poor dick and balls are going to ache the rest of your life, with no way of getting relief! [turns and walks to the door] Have fun with that!
Red: [moves to grab the gun] W-wait, goddamn it!
Shadow Mask: [pauses and looks back over shoulder] You so much as touch that gun, and my next spell will make your heart explode out of your chest.
Red: I—I—I’ll—play with you! Whatever you mean by that! Just please, take this curse off!
Shadow Mask: [turns and smirks] Oh, sure, now you’re tempted!
Red: I was already tempted! I was just… scared! B-but I was wrong, so—
Shadow Mask: [laughs] Hahaha, you should be scared! Lord knows I would be if some weird girl showed up in my house and zapped my dick with magic spells!
Shadow Mask: [leans forward] But alright I’ll give you another chance! [snaps fingers and points to empty spot on the floor] Lay down, spread eagle!
Red crawls over and does so. Shadow Mask binds his wrists and ankles with magic energy cuffs.
Shadow Mask: [leans over him] I need to secure my catch first! But you can enjoy a little magic foreplay while I work! [cast the Please Pulse on him]
Red: Ah! Oh!
Shadow Mask: You like it? I call them Pleasure Pulses. Raw stimulation directly into your nerves! Even without the increased sensitivity—
Red: AH! AH!
Shadow Mask: —most boys barely last a minute under these!
Shadow Mask leaves the room as we watch the spells work on Red. We hear Shadow Mask from the next room over, some rustling sounds.
Shadow Mask: Ah, here we go! Dang, really? Only three grand in the safe?
The Pulses go faster.
Shadow Mask: You got anything else worth anything?
Red: I… no!
Shadow Mask: [magic hand smacks his balls]
Red: AH!
Shadow Mask: Don’t lie to me now!
Red: I’m not! I’m not!
The Magic Hand squeezes his balls.
Red: Aaaah!
Shadow Mask: I can twist your nuts clean off, so you’re only hurting yourself holding out!
Red: Th-there’s a second… safe… in my… bedroom!
Shadow Mask: Good boy!
The hand lets go, the Pleasure Pulses slow down.
Red: Nnnh… aaah… nnnhh! AH!
Red tries to cum, can’t, the spell pauses, then picks up again.
Shadow Mask comes into the room: Only ten grand? Really?
Red: H-how rich… do I fuckin’ look?
Shadow Mask: Ah, well, I guess it’s a decent bonus. [picks up the spells]
Red: AH!
Shadow Mask: Having fun yet?
Red: Please! PLEASE!
Shadow Mask: You know, begging like that just makes me want to tease you harder! [adds another Pulse spell]
Red: AH! AH! AH!
Shadow Mask: [turns off spells, crouches over him] So fuckin’ hot!
Red: [gasping] please… take off… the curse…
Shadow Mask: [zaps] I’ll turn down the sensitivity part, but increase the sperm production even more!
Red: AH! No!
Shadow Mask: Shush! [mounts his face] If you don’t want your nuts to burst like an overripe fruit, then make me cum like I’m the love of your life!
[SEX SCENES! Montage of Shadow Mask riding his face, then fucking him cowgirl and reverse. She undoes his bonds and lets him fuck her in missionary and doggy, screaming in pleasure! Fade to black. Fade back in, seeing them lying on the floor.]
Shadow Mask: Whew! Dang! I may have overdone it! I’m gunna be walking home all crooked!
Red: Please… please…!
Shadow Mask: Aw, poor thing! You really gave it your all, huh? I think you’re into this femdom stuff! Too bad for you! [gets up off the floor]
Red: Wh-what do you mean?
Shadow Mask: I was putting it on a bit with the curse being permanent, at least at first. A quick-zap spell like that usually only lasts a couple of days. If you’d just gone back to bed and let me my thing without interference, you’d be spunking again before you knew it!
Shadow Mask: [grins evilly] To make the spell permanent, I need to build up attunement to your body and do a whole sex ritual. Which I just did!
Red: W-wait, so… you mean you…!
Shadow Mask: [poses victoriously] Now the curse really is permanent, you horny idiot!
Red: What? No! Please, it hurts! You can’t leave me like this!
Shadow Mask: [laughs] Hello! Supervillain! Didn’t your mother ever warn you about sticking your dick in bad girls? I can leave you like this, and I will because I can!
Red: Rrrrh, you bitch!
Shadow Mask: Oh, what are you going to do about it, huh?
Red: [gets up and takes a swing at her]
Shadow Mask: [goes into shadow mode, laughs as he stumbles onto his hands and knees] Haha, you moron! [turns solid and kicks him on the butt, causing him to roll over]
Shadow Mask: [casts another pleasure pulse on him] Just for that, you can keep edging the rest of the weekend!
Red: Ah! No! AH!
Shadow Mask: [turns to shadow mode] Thanks for the fun time, sucker! [she walks through the wall]
Red: Wait! AH!
Shadow Mask: [pops her head back in] Oh, right, I should probably turn off the sperm booster so your nuts don’t pop! Haha! You’re lucky I’m so nice! [zaps spell onto balls]
Red: Please… I’m begging you! Take the whole curse off!
Shadow Mask: [sighs] You’re lucky you’re so cute. [goes over to counter and writes down something on a card, taps it as she turns to him] When you can get on your feet again, feel free to e-mail me your hottest fantasies of how you’d like to violate all my holes. If it gets me wet, I might visit you again. We’ll take it from there, okay?
Red: Oh…AH! Okay! Okay!
Shadow Mask: [walks off] Alright then! Edge lots for me! [zaps another stim spell on him]
Red: [writhes on the floor]
Shadow Mask: [Pops head in one more time] And one more for the road! [air kiss, casts another spell]
Red: No! AH! AHH!!!
It is always a pleasant surprise to you post something.
ReplyDeleteDoing animations is a lot of work, tbh. I wouldn't mind at all if it was a comic format and you only animate the sex bits.
If you ever need a male VA feel free to ask me, I wouldn't mind giving it a try. It would be pro bono ofc. I do the voice overs a lot when I play games that have parts with out a speaking roll. I think it would be a lot of fun (all be it a bit embarrassing) to try something for real.
Thank you very much! It is also a surprise for me these days! :V
DeleteYou know, I actually hadn't thought of that, mixing comics with animations. I could probably convert the animated parts to gifs, and post them as motion comics, sort of, like some of the old experimental web comics. While I do like this "movie" format, something like that could also work.
I'll consider on the voice acting if a role comes up, but for now, I'm still trying to stick to self-sufficient, even despite ElevenLabs' many issues. I appreciate the offer, though. Maybe if I ever do a Didsy short, Fox can make an appearance. V:
i guess i will repeat a2 but it really is pleasant to see you uploading something and you know why cause your work is awsome and i love it
ReplyDeleteThank you very much!
DeleteNot sure when/if another of these will come down the pipe, but I guess I'm still not truly done with erotica yet. Just a lot more "on whim" and infrequent. Glad people are still enjoying it! :)