Sunday, March 22, 2020



  1. hey, what's up with your stories blog? it says there is a malware or phishing infection and what not... is that gonna stay that way forever?

    1. I have received no warnings or notifications of this. I couple other readers have told me the same. In what way did you find this out?

      Sometimes bots will get through the comment filter, and I usually attach them to spam. There's no ads on the blog that could be used to warn. But I see no pop-ups when I go to either blogs (with or without ad blocker), and I have received no e-mails.

      Chances are, it may be something on your end (did you download any extensions or "browser enhancers" recently?), or there may be something that's pinging off the blogspot network. Or maybe you have a safety feature that reads "adult content" as potentially dangerous.

      I don't claim to know how this stuff works, but everything looks fine on my end.

    2. On my PC, Chrome fails to open the site completely, and after that, avast starts screaming bloody murder, saying following problem was detected URL:Phishing . On phone, it can be accessed, but both avast and chrome say it's unrealiable and dangerous.

  2. Same for on PC, neither Chrome nor Firefox can open the site. On Mobile AVG always says that the site has been reported as malware site. I started noticing it a couple of weeks ago, haven't changed anything in that time though. Can't explain it myself either. Anyways love your contents man. Best femdom content there is.

  3. Late response, sorry, but I sent in a request to whitelist it. Apparently, it's a common enough false flag error on AVG to ping random blogspot sites.
