Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Magic Fun Practice Animation


Well, here's some "actual" animation for once. A young woman pumps up her boy's cock with magic, stimulates him, then halts and reverses his quick-fire ejaculation!

This was drawn and animated using Adobe Fresco. While it has some kinks and klunks, for making small animations, it seems like a pretty solid program. I was initially starting to do some tiny animations in Procreate, but Fresco has a more robust system for it. I'm not sure how it compares to other programs, but for short bits like this, it does the job well. It's also free, outside of a few extra pay-for-features, which is frankly astonishing, considering this is Adobe we're talking about.

The base image is traced from a photo. Tracing is not something I normally do for art, but I specifically wanted to practice the animation process, and just needed something to work from as a base. In fact, I was initially wanting to do some rotoscoping (an animation technique of tracing over frames of live footage), but Fresco wouldn't let me import either a video format, nor even a .png sequence. So, I just opted to build off a still photo.

This was made with a lot of shortcuts. The bodies of the two people are a static background image, while the penis, her hand, and the energy effect are all animated on their own individual layers. I drew a handful of poses for the hand and penis, then strategically duplicated and paced the frames in synch to match the motions. It was much easier to fix mistakes an adjust pacing by keeping the parts separated in this way. The energy effect I just redrew fully each time, in order to get that "boiling line" look. All in all, a crude, slapdash effort, but a fun exercise in the basics.

It's fun to play around with this stuff, but obviously, a dedicated, full-throated animation, even remaking the above clip in a polished and more smoothly animated fashion, would probably take me weeks of on-off picking at it, and considering my art level, probably wouldn't look much better than it does now. While I attempted to do some absolutely minuscule animations in the past, I never took serious interest in the medium before. Suddenly, though, I've felt the urge to dip my toe in the water; it's kinda nice to see my ideas in literal action, however crudely put together.

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